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Peter Jes

Tips on Veggie patch in Victoria

Hi everyone! Newbie gardener here, just bought my first house in Melbourne and eager to grow some veggies. Any tips for beginners? What are the easiest veggies to grow in summer in Victoria?

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3 Replies

  1. You can grow beans, potatoes, carrots and spinach easily. Also herbs like mint, rosemary, etc.

  2. Potatoes are good to start with a new garden as they break up the soil.  Try to start a compost heap if possible as you really need to build up the soil. You may have missed summer vegetables.   Silver beet is a great starter plant and will produce well into the colder months. Unless you have really friable soil, carrots may disappoint you as they could split or twist. Zucchini are always winners as are beetroot.  Check with your local nursery as they will display seasonal vegetable seedlings.  Feed well.